Speaking Out of Place: Getting Our Political Voices Back

Mockup Image of Speaking Out of Place
In this book, I set forth the argument for making every public space an anti-fascist and pro-democracy space by individually and collectively reclaiming our neighborhoods, cities, globe, and planet for social and environmental justice. I show how others have already begun the process. Regarding this book, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, author of From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation writes:  “David Palumbo-Liu’s Speaking Out of Place is a deeply moral and utterly human meditation on the nature of our despair and the means by which it can be transformed. Most of all, he argues that what is missing is our sense of place, belonging and mutuality that, when intact, showcases our connection and potential for solidarity in our shared struggle for a humane and just world. Here is the exact book we need for the troubled historical moment through which we are living.” Other comments include:

“Speaking Out of Place is a radical and original reassessment of democratic deliberation and political transformation… True democracy, Palumbo-Liu shows, is a raucous polyphony, a chorus emanating from specific communities and contexts and struggles that reverberates widely, unsettling and challenging those accustomed to controlling the terms of the debate.”
—Astra Taylor, author of Remake the World

As an activist and a scholar, Palumbo-Liu shows us what vigilance means in these times.  This book takes us through the wretched landscape of our world to the ideals of social transformation, calling for a place, the planet, where collective passions can bring about a true and radical democracy.”
—Judith Butler

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